Coach and Strategic Advisor
I co-wrote and directed two documentary films about a DC boxing gym.
I studied filmmaking GW's Documentary Filmmaking and along with my classmates made a film called "Into the Limelite" about a local boxer. After the program ended, I knew there were still more stories to tell about the gym. I received a grant from the DC Arts and Humanities Commission and with my friend, Kyle Centers, directed and produced "Out of the Basement." The film follows Greg Newby as he embarks on a pro boxing career after a fall from grace. The story delves into D.C.’s boxing subculture and traces its role in the life of one remarkable family struggling to build lives and find meaning in a changing city.
Out of the Basement
A film by Natalie Avery and Kyle Centers
A GW Documentary Center Film
Natalie Avery
Deanne Canieso
John Dillon
Caroline Downing
Lorrie Batton
Yejide Calhoun
Kyle Centers
Erina Moriarty